
  • My co-first author paper titled "PINNACLE: PINN Adaptive ColLocation and Experimental points selection" has won the best paper award at the ICML 2024 AI4Science Workshop.

  • My co-first author paper titled "PINNACLE: PINN Adaptive ColLocation and Experimental points selection" has been accepted as a spotlight presentation at ICLR 2024.

  • I was one of the 5 CS PhD students who have been selected for School of Computing's Teaching Fellowship Scheme for the upcoming school year, based on past tutoring performances.

  • My first-author paper titled "Training-Free Neural Active Learning With Initialization-Robustness Guarantees" has been accepted to ICML 2023.

For more details about my current progress see my academic works and my CV.

About Myself

Me lying on the road for no reason <br> (10 points if you know where this is)
Me lying on the road for no reason
(10 points if you know where this is)

Hello. I am Apivich Hemachandra1, although I also go by the name of Kaotoo2 3.

I am a fourth-year PhD student at the School of Computing at National University of Singapore (NUS), under the supervision of See-Kiong Ng and Bryan Low Kian Hsiang. I am currently working on various topics in data-centric AI, active learning and physics-informed machine learning. My work generally fits the general theme of: “given everything I already know, how can I learn better while needing less data?”.

Prior to this, I completed my Bachelor’s degree from Mahidol University International College (MUIC) in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. I majored in Physics, however I also completed minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. My Bachelor’s Thesis was related to data diversification and submodular maximisation4. I have also worked on different computer science-related projects with professors and researchers in Thailand. Some are research projects related to ML and algorithms, while some are projects I have done with large firms in Thailand.

Personal Life

(Click to expand)
I was born in Bangkok, however was raised in Chiang Mai. I lived in Chiang Mai until I turned 18 when I completed my high school, before moving to Bangkok/Nakhon Pathom to complete my undergraduate degree.

When I am not busy doing work, I enjoy playing and listening to music. I am a mediocre drummer, guitarist and vocalist, and have been playing varying amounts of music since high school.

I enjoy watching football (or soccer as some may call it), and am a fan of Nottingham Forest (who will hopefully be are now in the Premier League soon).

I also make maths videos whenever I have enough free time.

A view of Chiang Mai from a rooftop
A view of Chiang Mai from a rooftop (click image to enlarge)

  1. Thai script: อภิวิชญ์ ​เหมะจันทร 

  2. Apivich Hemachandra is my legal name, whereas Kaotoo is my nickname. You can check out the Thai naming convention here, but in brief, Apivich Hemachandra is for formal documents and more formal events, whereas Kaotoo is what people would usually refer to me as in more casual settings. Both names were given to me by my parents at birth. 

  3. Thai script: ข้าวตู 

  4. I asked my physics program director nicely enough and he allowed me to do a thesis on a topic related to computer science.